Blockchain technology and fighting corruption in India

Back after a while. Have been published twice (yay) in Swarajya Mag; meanwhile others won’t even acknowledge me :(. This particular piece was unfortunate enough to be preceded article on same topic by a professor from Ohio University in Swarajya Mag. Please give your valuable feedback if possible for you. Thanks. Blockchain technology and fighting corruption in India In Oct 2016, ICICI Bank in partnership … Continue reading Blockchain technology and fighting corruption in India

Crony Capitalism and Public Sector Banks of India

Capitalism basic tenet says the state should follow laissez-faire policies i.e. should allow private initiatives unhindered without regulations. This in turn would allow ‘invisible’ hand of market of self-regulation which would through competition generate greater good. Since its propounding by Adam Smith in 18th century, this policy has attracted derision and criticism primarily from moral thinkers and plebian poor. First serious challenge mounted by advent … Continue reading Crony Capitalism and Public Sector Banks of India

World Trade Organization

WTO is international trade agreement which replaced GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which was established in 1948) in 1995. Currently it has 162 members and comprehensive trade treaty is being negotiated among them. This disparate group of countries are split along their economic status and developmental needs which has lead to grid-locking of WTO talks and rise of plurilateral deals like TPP. WTO … Continue reading World Trade Organization

Internet – rights, privacy and transgressions

According to many net activists and cyber experts we are currently living in ‘golden period’ of internet where the amount of intrusion by govt is limited, internet remains free of sovereign control and this freedom is making people share their ideas, creativity like never before. However there are dark clouds gathering on horizon of free net. This has been underlined by growing capability of govt, … Continue reading Internet – rights, privacy and transgressions

Independence of Judiciary and NJAC Act

System of a judge-devised practice of appointments that evolved out of the ‘three-judges cases’ (1982, 1993 and 1998) wherein the Chief Justice along with a panel of senior-most judges makes binding recommendation to the President on the judicial appointees has been revived by recent verdict of SC. However this system has lot of infirmities, in past to avoid charges of favouritism, the collegiums relied on … Continue reading Independence of Judiciary and NJAC Act

CS Marks

Pretty disappointed with my marks. But it may help all who may have seen my answers and probably help them in their journey. As for me, I have joined a job. Would write CS again though. हरों से डर कर नौका पार नहीं होती, कोशिश करने वालों की कभी हार नहीं होती। नन्हीं चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है, चढ़ती दीवारों पर, सौ बार फिसलती … Continue reading CS Marks